• Business orders Barebones

    Are you a business looking for high-quality outdoor gear with a functional design? Then we can be of service to you! Whether it is 1 lamp or 200 dinnerware, with or without printing, we are happy to take care of it.

    Small and large orders

    You can contact us for both small and large orders. We have experience in the delivery of hundreds of products. But we also put just as much effort into the delivery of a single Barebones product.

    Printing or engraving

    Would you like to print or engrave the product? Even then you are with us at the right place. We can print or engrave the product. But we are also happy to discuss other specific requirements with you.

    So in short, do you have an idea, question or do you want more information about the possibilities? Please contact us:

    Check out what we have already done for other companies below.

    Our 8 service points

    1. Plenty of stock: we always have Lezyne products in stock. With our supplier we also always have call-off stock at our disposal. Should this not be enough, we can order the products or offer a suitable alternative.
    2. Customer service we do ourselves and someone with knowledge always answers the phone. We always respond to questions within 1 business day.
    3. Ordering website: if required, we offer a comprehensive online ordering environment that employees can log into. Budgets, sizing and delivery times can be indicated on this platform if required.
    4. Technology: in case the systems demand it, we can always automate product exports and order imports. We have an in-house ICT person to make this run smoothly.
    5. Factoring: we like to think along with you in a way that the billing is optimal. If necessary, we can also work with monthly invoices or connect to the current system you use.
    6. Large volume: we have experience delivering larger volumes.
    7. Special requests? we can also take care of products not found on our website.
    8. Customization is possible: we also take complete care of applying expressions such as your logo or slogan on the products.

    These companies were ahead of you:

    Direct contact, delivery reliability and speed are our basic characteristics and reasons why we have been allowed to help companies and organizations with the right products to their full satisfaction.

    The following companies, among others, have allowed us to deliver our products and services:

    • Domain of the Caves of Han
      To Domain of the Caves of Han we were able to supply 35 Barebones Forest Lanterns. These lamps have been given a nice place in their glamping tents.

    We often get great feedback from clients, such as the one below:


    Hereby I would like to let you know that the order arrived well. At the moment they are still in the box. omorrow they will be handed out as gifts to the staff. Am curious to see their reaction.
    Thank you for getting this taken care of for us in such a short period of time. You guys deserve a pat on the back.

    Thank you again.

    Can we serve you soon?

    Sincere regards,

    Team BarebonesStore


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